The Streets People Love campaign has created scorecards for candidates in the 2024 council elections. Scorecards have been generated based on a candidate’s engagement with the Streets People Love campaign, their commitment to our pledge, their responses to a survey and input from campaign members located in the local government area in which they are running.
Can’t see a candidate you know is running? Candidates who don’t take our survey won’t appear on this page. Feel free to send your local candidates the Streets People Love Pledge and Survey and let them know it’s important to local residents that they do take part, so that we can vote for those who want to build the streets people love.
Bayside City Council is divided into 7 wards:


Joshua Goldstat

Alysia Regan

Brandon Hoult

David Williams

Fiona Stitfold

Christine Barca

Kylie McIntosh

Richard Campbell

Penelope Hansen

Tim Wood

Clifford Maillard
No candidates in this ward have completed the survey. Send your local candidates the Streets People Love Pledge and Survey and ask them to take part so that local residents can vote for the candidates who want to build the streets people love.

Jenson Galvin

Lyn Maver